Alan-Mary Ann-2017
Our 2017 Trip to Newfoundland


(posted on 10 Oct 2017)

One of the main must do things while in Gros Morne is to take the boat tour of Western Brook Pond.  You have to first hike over a mile to the edge of a land-locked fiord to catch the boat.

The fiord used to be open to the ocean, but is now separated from it by a marsh area. The water in the fiord is now fresh, and is very pure.

Here we are on the boat with our new friends Karen and Marie.  Marie was raised in a fishing village outside of Stephenville, NF.  She helped her father salt the fish and worked the long hours that were necessary.  She said that sometimes they even ate seagulls.  Whatever was necessary.  She has recently moved back to NF to help her mom.  She worked with Karen, who was visiting NF for first time, in Ontario.

The sides or the fiord are granite with numerous waterfalls.

This is one of the more spectacular ones.

Some rock formations even look like faces. Can you see more than one?

The boat trip was fun with many interesting things to do and see.  Here they were playing Newfie music with Mary Ann was playing the spoons.  The crew provided homemade instruments, the spoons and the bottle cap tambourines.  So much fun and laughter.

As we left the boat landing the weather changed.  You can see the fiord is covered in clouds.  The area in front is part of the marshy barrens.  Many people hike out of the far end of the fiord to Gros Morne.  You have to prove you are qualified for such a hike before they will issue you a permit.  There are no trails and you have to be proficient with navigational GPS. 

Although there are many warnings about the dangers of hitting a moose while driving, these were the only two moose we actually saw.  We figured that it was probably due to the fact that it was hunting season and the moose moved away from the areas that humans were.

Next, to Gander and Twillingate!